Date: Tue, 18 JAN 94 11:29:48 GMT From: COATES@VAX.LSE.AC.UK Subject: MILspeak/Jargon List v1.1 (January 1994) The Convergence Zone Tue, 25 Jan 94 Volume 17 : Special Issue "The Convergence Zone" (or just "CZ" for short) is an electronic mailing list for the discussion of the Harpoon naval wargame series and related topics. This Special Edition of CZ presents Version 1.0 of the MILSpeak Project Jargon List. Submissions: Administration: MILSpeak Project Jargon List: COATES@VAX.LSE.AC.UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy New Year everyone! After the Christmas holidays it's time to get "Back to Basics" and the update of the Abbreviation/Jargon list. Sorry for taking so long to get this update out. A very enjoyable holiday in Western Europe (if somewhat cut short due to a lack of money!) got in the way during the summer and university work held me up last term. The Christmas break finally gave me the opportunity to get on with the job of updating this list with all those corrections people have kindly been sending me. So here it is. Not very different from before, just a few minor alterations, a couple of additions etc. Hopefully it won't need correcting much now, so the only updates in the future will be when I've got around to going through the HDS orders properly (and of course HDS II got published last year and Harpoon II is on the way - if only my computer was powerful enough to run it!) and anything else people send me. Any one who wishes to get extra copies of the current list or to add to the list should send their additions/edits/corrections to me via the Internet, at COATES@VAX.LSE.AC.UK and I'll sort it out. If anyone has any problems with the LSE address I can also contacted at EC875@CLEVELAND.FREENET.EDU, and of course there is always snail-mail! I plan to continually update/correct this list as and when it is needed, and post it on SUNBANE.ENGRG.UWO.CA (, CZ's archive site, for anonymous FTP access. The file is JARGON-LIST.TXT (ASCII transfer mode) in the /PUB/HARPOON directory. You are welcome to copy and distribute this list for private use (no commercial use without my permission), but please leave this introduction intact. Please make alterations if needed, but as I said, also send me any new additions so everyone can benefit. If anyone wants to post this on other sites/BBS's (such as the HSWBBS or any successor) then please do so. Drop me a message if you do, and I can then send any updates directly there. I've split the abbreviations up in to two sections. The first is the main section of general terms found in various books and the (computer) game. The second section is from the HDS orders format for the computer version. I split it up like that as I'm not sure that all the abbreviations in HDS are widely used and would therefore clutter up the main list. You may find some duplications between the two sections. Also, I've included the patronisingly obvious terms for completeness. At the end is some more military information which I came across during my "research" and other info people have sent me, which I thought might be useful. In the future I hope to start adding some examples of the various classes of ships, missiles etc, as well as completing the HDS section. Someone has also suggested including REDFLEET abbreviations (eg PBLR = SSBN (?) ). If this is popular I would need someone else to compile that list as I have no sources available with this information. If you have any comments at all, whether it be about omissions, the format of this list etc, then please mail me. Anyway, I hope you find this list useful. Ian Coates January 1994 London School of Economics, London, UK. Internet: COATES@VAX.LSE.AC.UK Correspondence: 31 Shandy Street, <-- who says town-planners London. don't have a sense of E1 4LX. UK. humour ? "If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion" - George Bernard Shaw " 'Back to Basics' everyone ! Oh dear - I seem to have inflicted a small bullet wound on my left foot" - John Major (allegedly !) PART I - Military Abbreviations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1MC main ship-wide announcing circuit on US submarines AA- NATO designation for Russian air-to-air missiles (eg AA-8 Aphid) AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery AAM Air to Air Missile AAW Anti-Air Warfare ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile AC (aka A/C) Aircraft Commander or just AirCraft ACM Air Combat Manoeuvring (dogfighting) ACS Auxiliary Crane Ship ACV Air Cushion Vehicle AD Destroyer Tender ADCAP ADvanced CAPability (Mk 48 Torpedo) AE Ammunition Ship AEFS Fleet replenishment ship AEGIS US Navy AAW system, based on phased-array radars (SPY-1 series), SM-2 missiles and highly automated computer controlled target classification and engagement. Able to engage numerous targets simultaneously. AEW Airborne Early Warning AF Stores Ship AFB Air Force Base AFS Combat stores ship AGC Combined operations/communications HQ AGDS Launch Area Support Ship (See also: LASS) AGF Command Ship AGI Auxiliary General Intelligence collector (ship) AGM Missile Range Instrumentation Ship AGM Air to Ground Missile AGOR Oceanographic Research Ship AGOS Ocean Surveillance Ship AGS Surveying Ship AGSS Auxiliary Research/Experimental Submarine (Conventional) AGTR Auxiliary technical reconnaissance ship AH Hospital Ship AI Air Intercept radar AIM Air Interdiction Missile AIROPS Air Operations AK Cargo Ship AKA Attack Cargo Ship AKR Vehicle Cargo Ship ALCM Air Launched Cruise Missile AMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile. Specifically the US AIM-120A. An Antonov Bureau - Russian Aircraft Manufacturers, Various types of transport planes (eg An-124) AO Fleet oiler AOE Fast combat support ship AOG Gasoline Carrier/Tanker AOR Replenishment Oiler AOT Transport Oiler/Tanker AP Personnel Transport APA Attack transport ship APD Fast Assault Troop Transport Destroyer APL Auxiliary Personnel Lighter APS Transport Submarine (ex: Argonaut) APSS Vehicle Transport Submarine (ex: APSS Tunny) AR Repair Ship ARA Australian Regular Army ARB Repair ship - battle damage ARC Cable Repair/Laying Ship ARD Floating Dry Dock (see also: BRDM) ARG Repair ship - landing craft ARH Repair ship - hull repairs ARH Active Radar Homing guidance ARL Landing Craft Repair ARM Anti-Radiation Missile, used against surface radars ARS Salvage Vessel/Ship ARV Repair ship - aircraft AS Submarine Tender AS/SS Dual mode Air Search/Surface Search radar AS Air Search radar AS-() NATO designation for Soviet air to surface missile ASM Anti-Ship Missile ASM Air to Surface Missile (normal definition of ASM) ASMD Anti-Ship Missile Defense ASR Submarine Rescue Ship ASROC Anti-Submarine ROCket (Torpedo or NUC depth charge attached to a rocket), specifically the US RUR-5A system. ASSP Auxiliary transport submarine ASuW Anti-Surface Warfare ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare AT Tug ATA Auxiliary tug ATA Air-To-Air ATF Oceangoing fleet tug ATO Old tug ATR Rescue tug ATS Salvage & Rescue Ship AV-MF "Aviatsiya Voenno Morskovo Flota" (Soviet Naval Air Force) AVS Aviation supply ship AVT Aircraft Carrier (Training) AWACS Airborne WArning and Control System (E-3 only?) Baffles The area behind a ship where the noise from the propulsion hinders sonar detections BARCAP BARrier Combat Air Patrol Bastion A heavily defended area of water (usually comprising of a friendly shoreline, cordoned off by mines, and patrolled by ships, subs and air patrols with acoustic sensors on the seabed) BB Battleship BC Battlecruiser (c. WW I) BCGN Nuclear powered guided missile battlecruiser BFH Bus Fare Home BG Battlegroup. Usually appears after an indicator for the central vessel in group. eg CVBG for a battlegroup centred on an aircraft carrier Bingo fuel The minimum fuel to get home, plus a safety reserve. In naval aviation the Bingo fuel state requires you to switch to a shore base alternative BOL Bearing Only Launch Boomer Ballistic missile submarine (see SSBN) BPDMS Basic Point Defence Missile System (US Mk25 system ??) BRDM Floating Dry Dock (see also: ARD) Buff Nickname for the B-52 (Big Ugly Fat F***er) C2 Command and Control C3I Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence CA Heavy gun cruiser Caesar Russian seabed passive sonar sensors (equivalent to NATO SOSUS) CAG Commander Air Group - commander of carrier's CAG Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser airwing CAP Combat Air Patrol CAPTOR (Mk60) enCAPsulated TORpedo - a deep-water mine containing a Mk46 torpedo as the weapon Cavitation When the bubbles formed from ships and subs propellers when moving at high speeds collapse and create sound. CB Large Cruiser CBR Chemical/Biological/Radioactive weapons CC Command Cruiser CG Guided missile cruiser CGH Light aircraft carrier/aviation cruiser (c.f. and CVL). A cruiser with guided missiles and employing a helicopter as the primary armament (eg Moskva) CGN Nuclear powered guided missile cruiser Chaff Strips of metallic material cut to the wavelengths of specific radars, in an attempt to jam them by reflecting radar energy more efficiently than a real target. CHG Helicopter cruiser with guided missile main armament CIA Central Intelligence Agency (USA) CIC Combat Information Centre CINC Commander IN Chief CINCLANT Commander IN Chief of atLANTic forces CINCNORNAVEUR Commander IN Chief of NORthern NAVal forces in EURope CIS Commonwealth of Independent States CIWS Close-In Weapons System, eg the Phalanx System CL Light cruiser CLAA Anti-Aircraft light cruiser CLC Task fleet command ship CLG Guided Missile Light Cruiser CLGN Nuclear-powered guided missile light cruiser CLK Hunter-Killer cruiser Cmd Command guidance CNO Chief of Naval Operations CO Commanding Officer COD Carrier Onboard Delivery - cargo plane for carriers (usually E-2's without the radar dome) COMINT COMmunications INTelligence COMNAVSURFLANT COMmander of the NAVal SURFace atLANTic fleet COMSECONDFLT COMmander of the SECOND FLeeT COMSUBLANT COMmander, SUBmarine forces atLANTic fleet CONT CONTainer ship CTOL Conventional TakeOff and Landing CV Multipurpose aircraft carrier CVA Attack aircraft carrier (possibly the same as the CV but with differing airwings and intended roles) CVAN Nuclear-powered attack aircraft carriers CVB Large (Fleet) Aircraft Carrier CVBG Aircraft carrier BattleGroup CVE Escort Attack Aircraft Carrier (Converted Transport) CVH Helicopter carrier/cruiser CVHG Helicopter carrier with guided missile main armament CVL Light aircraft carrier, aka "Jeep Carriers" Usually classified as CVH. eg UK Invincible class CVN Nuclear powered multipurpose aircraft carrier CVS ASW aircraft carrier CVS Seaplane Tender (c. WW II) CVT Aircraft Carrier (Training) CVW US Navy Aircraft Carrier Airwing CZ Convergence Zone D Dipping Sonar dB Decibel DB Conventional Depth Bomb DC Depth Charge DCI Director of the Central Intelligence (in charge of all intelligence agencies) DD Destroyer DDE Escort Destroyer DDG Guided missile destroyer DDH Destroyer employing helicopters as the primary sensor and weapon system. DDK Hunter-Killer Destroyer DDR Radar Picket Destroyer DE Destroyer Escort DEC Control escort ship DEFCON DEFence CONdition - an indicator of the level of activity of US forces: DEFCON 1 Nuclear War DEFCON 2 Conventional War DEFCON 3 Emergency/Crisis DEFCON 4 Heightened Readiness DEFCON 5 Peacetime DEG Guided Missile Escort DER Radar picket escort ship DICASS DIrectional Command-Activated Sonobuoy - a type of sonobuoy which "pings" and changes depth on command DIFAR DIrectional low-Frequency Analyzer and Ranging. A type of passive sonobuoy. A directional LOFAR (cf) DL Frigate (destroyer leader) DLG Guided missile destroyer, no SAMs DLGH Guided missile destroyer, no SAMs, helicopter DLGN Guided Missile destroyer (Nuclear) DM Light Minelayer (Destroyer) DMS High Speed Minelayer DSRV Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle - a small rescue submarine EC European Community (previously called the EEC) ECM Electronic Counter Measures, ie jamming by powerful or false signals. EDD Experimental destroyer EDE Experimental escort ship ELF Extremely Low Frequency - a frequency band used to communicate with submerged submarines. The communication rate is so slow that usually all that can be said is to be ready to receive a message by some other means. ELINT ELectronic INTelligence EMCON EMission CONtrol (radar, radio and sonar silence) ESM Electronic Support Measures. ie radio/radar direction finding. EU European Union (previously the EC) EW Electronic Warfare FAC Fast Attack Craft FAC Forward Air Controller FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA) FBM Fleet Ballistic Missile submarine FF Frigate FFG Guided missile frigate FFGH Guided missile frigate, helicopter FFH Frigate, helicopter FFL Light frigate (corvette) FLIR Forward Looking Infra-Red FRAM Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernisation (as in destroyers) -G Guided missile - a suffix added to other types of ship to indicate significant missile armament (eg DD->DDG) GFC Gun Fire Control (radar) GIB "Guy In Back" - Bombardier or RIO GIUK gap Sea lanes between Greenland-Iceland-UK GKO Gosudarstvenny Komitet Oborony (Russian State Committee of Defense during WWII- now obsolete) GLCM Ground Launched Cruise Missile eg US BGM-109G? GPS Global Positioning System. A US navigation system based on receiving signals from a constellation of satellites. GRU Glavnoe Razvedyvatelnoe Upravlanie - Russian military intelligence H Hull sonar H/T Combined hull/towed array sonar HARM High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile. (ie the US AGM-88 missile) HDS Helicopter Delivery Service HDS Harpoon Designers' Series (Harpoon term) HE High Explosive HE Hydrophone Effect HF High Frequency HF Height Finding radar HUD Heads Up Display. Describes a type of aircraft instrument display interface. I/A Intercept/Attack (aircraft roles) I/TARH Internal guidance with Terminal Active Radar Homing ICBM Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (range 5000 miles plus) ID Identification IDF Israeli Defense Force IDF Intermediate range Defensive Force IFF Identification Friend or Foe - a black box on a unit which sends out a signal indicating it is friendly, and can analyze other unit's signals as to whether they are friend or foe IFS Inshore Fire Support Ship IIR Imaging Infra-Red guidance Il Ilyushin bureau - Russian aircraft manufacturers, Civilian and Transport/Multipurpose aircraft (eg Il-76) IOPG Indian Ocean/Persian Gulf (Harpoon Term) IP Initial Point (of an approach to a target) IR Infra-Red IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (range 1500 to 3300m) IRH Infra-Red Homing ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar IX Unclassified Auxiliary IXSS Unclassified Auxiliary Submarine (primarily training) Jeep Carrier Light aircraft carrier, aka "Jeep Carriers". Usually classified as CVH. eg UK Invincible class JSTARS Joint Surveillance Tactical Airborne Radar System - a platform similar to the AWACS platform, which detects movements of ground forces. Ka Kamov Bureau - Russian Helicopter manufacturers, various types of civilian and combat helo's (eg Ka-27) KGB Komitet Gosudarstvenny Bezopasnosti - Russian security and intelligence organisation (existed until August 1991) KPF Kommandny Post Flota-Russian Fleet command post kt knot - one nautical mile per hour = 1.15 mph = 1.85km/hr LAMPS I Light Airborne MultiPurpose System (eg SH-2F Sea Sprite helo) LAMPS III Light Airborne MultiPurpose System (eg SH-60B) LASS Launch Area Support Ship (See also: AGDS) LCAC Landing Craft, Air Cushioned - hovercraft which ferries troops and equipment from ships to the beach LCC Amphibious command ship, often used as fleet command ships. LCI Landing Craft, Infantry LCM General Purpose Landing Craft LCP Landing Craft, Personnel LCT Landing Craft, Tank LCU Landing Craft, Utility LCVP Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel. A small landing craft capable of carrying personnel or small vehicles. Operates from amphibious ships. LD/SD airborne Look Down/Shoot Down radar Level Red Threat indicator - enemy attack imminent Level Yellow Threat indicator - enemy attack possible Level White Threat indicator - enemy attack unlikely LF Low Frequency LGB Laser Guided Bomb LGP Laser Guided Projectile (artillery or gun shell) LHA General purpose amphibious assault ship - includes a flight deck and docking well LHD Multipurpose amphibious assault ship. In reality a bigger and improved LHA LKA Amphibious cargo ship LLLTV Low Light Level TeleVision LOC Line Of Communication LOFAR LOw Frequency Analysis and Recording - type of passive SONAR/sonobuoy. Also refers to the general analysis of submarine signatures, each being subtly different LOS Line Of Sight LPA Amphibious Transport LPD Amphibious Transport Dock - includes a docking well to carry and unload landing craft. LPH Amphibious assault ship with helicopters LPSS Amphibious transport submarine LR Long Range LS Landing ship LSD Landing ship, Dock LSI Landing ship, Logistic (also LSL) LSM Landing ship, Medium LSM(R) Landing ship, Medium (with rockets) LST Landing ship, Tank LSU Landing ship, Utility LVT Landing vehicle, Tracked M Mine hunting sonar MAC Military Airlift Command MAC Merchant Aircraft Carrier MAD Magnetic Anomaly Detector (detects magnetic disturbances, such as those caused by submarines' hulls) MCM Mine Countermeasures Ship MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade MEDC MEDiterranean Conflict (Harpoon Term) MF Medium Frequency MFC Missile Fire Control (radar) MFDS Mobile Fuel Delivery Station MGU Mid-course Guidance Unit - an inertial navigation system on Harpoon and Tomahawk ASM missiles used to guide them to their targets Mi Mil Bureau - Russian Helo Manufacturers, mostly transport helo's (eg Mi-26) MI5 Military Intelligence 5 (UK, domestic) MI6 Military Intelligence 6 (UK, foreign) MIDAS MIne Detection and Avoidance Sonar MiG Mikoyan and Gureyivich bureau - Russian aircraft manufacturers, only fighters and interceptors (eg MiG-31) MIRV Multiple Independently targeted Reentry Vehicle - type of ballistic missile payload carrying a number of nuclear/thermonuclear warheads, each capable of manoeuvring to hit a different target. MOSSAD Israeli intelligence service MR Marine Reconnaissance MRCH Merchant MSA Unknown MSH Minesweeper, Coastal MSO Minesweeper, Ocean MV Merchant Vessel -N Nuclear powered - a suffix add to other ships/subs to indicate the main source of power is nuclear (eg SS->SSN). NACV North Atlantic ConVoys NASA National Aeronautic and Space Administration NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NBC Nuclear/Biological/Chemical weapons NIFTI Navy InFrared Thermal Imager nm nautical mile (1nm=1.15miles=2025yds=1852m) NSC National Security Council (USA) NUC NUClear (eg NUClear SUBmarine) OB Order of Battle OIC Officer In Command OPFOR Opposing FORces Ops Operations OTH(-T) Over The Horizon (Targeting) OTHR Over The Horizon Radar PAVESAT LASER Satellite PBR Patrol Boat (River) PC Patrol chaser (submarine chaser) Pd Probability of detection (Harpoon term) PF Patrol frigate PG Patrol Gunboat/Patrol combatant PGH Hydrofoil (patrol) gunboat PGM Precision Guided Munition Ph Probability of hit (Harpoon term) PHM Guided missile patrol combatant (hydrofoil) Picket A scout ship on the edge of a surface group PIM Path of Intended Motion Pk Probability of kill PM Patrol Missile boat PR Periscope Radar PT Patrol Torpedo Boat (c. WW II) PTG Patrol guided missile torpedo boat PTM Patrol guided missile boat RAAF Royal Australian Air Force RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging RAF Royal Air Force (UK) RAM Radar Absorbing Material RAN Royal Australian Navy RBL Range Bearing Launch (of harpoon and tomahawk ASM's) RBU Reaktivnaya Bombometnaya Ustanovka - Russian rocket launcher. Fires rocket propelled depth ASW charges. Recon Reconnaissance RIM Radar guided Interdiction Missile. US ship launched anti-aircraft missile (eg RIM-7 Sea Sparrow) RIO Radar Intercept Officer - the second person in twin seat aircraft (eg in F-14's) RN Royal Navy (UK) RO Range Only (type of radar) RO Type of active sonobuoy ROE Rules Of Engagement ROF Rate Of Fire RORSAT Radar Ocean Reconnaissance SATellite - type a Soviet satellite) RTB Return To Base RTM Unknown - Please mail me if you know S Sonobuoy SA-N- NATO designator for Russian naval surface to air missile SACLOS SemiActive Command Line Of Sight guidance SAG Surface Action Group SALH SemiActive Laser Homing SAM Surface to Air Missile SAR Search And Rescue SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SARH SemiActive Radar Homing SAS Special Air Service - UK elite military unit SBS Special Boat Service - UK elite Royal Marine unit SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defences SEAL SEa-Air-Land - US navy special forces Shallow A water depth above the thermal layer, but deeper than periscope depth. SHF Super High Frequency Sierra Strike Air strike against surface battle groups SIGINT SIGnals INTelligence SLAM Standoff Land Attack Missile - specifically the SLAM Submarine Launched Anti-aircraft missile US AGM-84E missile SLBM Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile SLCM Submarine Launched Cruise Missile SLMM (Mk67) Submarine Launched Mobile Mine - an old Mk37 torpedo, converted into a mine SLOC Sea Line Of Communication SLOT Submarine Launched One-way Transmitter SM Minelayer (ex: V-4 Class Argonaut) SOA Speed Of Advance SONAR SOund Navigation And Ranging Sonobuoy An expendable sonar device used in anti- submarine warfare, normally dropped by aircraft SOSUS SOnar SUrveillance System - NATO seabed passive sonar listening system SOW Stand Off Weapon (usually an ASROC) SPIR Shipboard Passive/Special Purpose InfraRed SR Short Range SS Attack Submarine (usually diesel) SS Surface Search radar SS-N- NATO designator for Russian naval surface to surface missile SSA Cargo Submarine SSB Ballistic Missile Submarine SSBN Nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine (Boomer) SSG Guided missile submarine - usually armed with cruise missiles SSGN Nuclear powered guided missile submarine - usually armed with cruise missiles SSK Hunter/Killer Submarine SSKN Hunter/Killer Submarine (Nuclear) SSM Surface to Surface Missile SSN Nuclear powered attack submarine SSO Oiler Submarine (ex: SSO 362 Guavina) SSP Vehicle Transport Submarine SSR Radar Picket Submarine SSRN Radar Picket Submarine (Nuclear) STANAVFORLANT STAnding NAVal FORce atLANTic. Multinational NATO task force based in the atlantic STOL Short TakeOff and Landing STOT Simultaneous Time On Top - when attacking platforms manage to get all weapons to arrive at a target simultaneously Su Sukhoi Bureau - Russian aircraft manufacturers, only fighters and attack planes (eg Su-27) SUBROC Submarine launched version of ASROC (nuclear) - specifically the US UUM-44A system SuCAP air-to-surface armed Combat Air Patrol SURTASS SURveillance Towed Array Sensor System - a mobile SOSUS array towed by small ocean surveillance ships SUW-N- NATO designator for Russian naval surface to underwater missile (the only example is nuclear) SW Surface Warfare T Towed sonar array TACSIT A naval term indicating the defensive status of a battle group as a function of enemy targeting TACSIT 1 A condition in which the exact location of a battle group is known to the enemy TACSIT 2 A condition in which the general location of the battle group is known, but the battle group has not been targeted TACSIT 3 A condition in which the location of the battle group is completely unknown to the enemy TANK TANKer or superTANKer TARCAP TARget Combat Air Patrol TARH Terminal Active Radar Guidance (for missiles) TASM Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile - specifically the US BGM-109B missile TF Task Force TF Terrain Following radar TFS Tactical Fighter Squadron TFW Tactical Fighter Wing Thermal Layer A layer where the temperature of the water changes, causing sound to be refracted TLAM(-C) Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (Conventional warhead) - specifically the US BGM-109C missile TMA Target Motion Analysis Towed Array A ship or sub towed sonar which employs a long cable with many hydrophones which allows for VERY long range convergence zone detections. They are typically towed behind specialised escorts, which are typically used as ASW pickets, at various depths, including below the thermal. They aren't able to overcome baffles. TRAM Targeting Radar and Attack Multisensor (as in A-6 TRAM) TRAN TRANsport ship TT Torpedo Tube Tu Tupolev Bureau - Russian aircraft manufacturers, civilian planes and heavy bombers (eg Tu-160) TVD Teatr Voennyh Deystviy - Russian "Theatre of Warfare" TVM Track Via Missile (guidance) U/W Underwater UHF Ultra-High Frequency UN United Nations US(A) United States (of America) USAF United States Air Force USMC United States Marine Corps USN United States Navy USNI United States Naval Institute USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics V/STOL Vertical/Short TakeOff and Landing V-MS Russian Naval Forces V-VS Russian Air Force VAQ US Navy Electronic Warfare Squadron (ie EA-6B) VAW US Navy AEW Squadron (ie E-2's) VDS Variable Depth Sonar - a towed sonar which uses a compact streamlined "fish" body. VGK Russian Supreme high command during WWII (obsolete term) VHF Very High Frequency VHigh An altitude of 20,000 metres or higher VL Vertical Launch VLF Very Low Frequency VLow An altitude at wave height or terrain following VLS Vertical Launch System, refers to how missile ammunition is stored (US Mk 41 system ???) VTOL Vertical TakeOff and Landing WAGB Icebreaker (U.S. Coast Guard) WAGL Lighthouse Tenders (U.S. Coast Guard) WHEC High Endurance Cutter (U.S. Coast Guard) Winchester Aircraft state where it has no more ordinance WIX Training Cutter (U.S. Coast Guard) WLB Seagoing Buoy Tender (U.S. Coast Guard) WLM Coastal Buoy Tender (U.S. Coast Guard) WLR River Buoy Tender (U.S. Coast Guard) WMEC Medium Endurance Cutter (U.S. Coast Guard) WPB Large Patrol Boat (U.S. Coast Guard) WSES Surface Effect Ship (U.S. Coast Guard) WSO RIO or GIB (exact wording unknown) YAK Yakovlev bureau - Russian aircraft manufacturers (eg YAK-38) YP Patrol Craft YSR Seaplane Wrecking Derrick YTB Large Harbour Tug ZULU Refers to Greenwich Mean Time Part II - HDS orders abbreviations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nnnnZ Refers to the time of day. Z stands for ZULU (ie GMT), where "nnnn" is the time of day AMPHIB AMPHIBious (units) APR APRil ASAP As Soon As Possible ASWOC Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Centre ATL ATLantic (ocean) CANX CANcel COMINT COMmunications INTelligence DNMK DeNMarK ELIM ELIMinate EVACD EVACuateD FLT FLeeT or FLighT HUMINT HUMan INTelligence IDENT IDENTification INTEL INTELligence MARUNITS MARine UNITS MED MEDiterrainaen MINAIR MINimal AIR (activity) MSG MeSsaGe NORFLT Red Banner NORthern FLeeT (USSR) NORW NORWay NORWFLT NORWegian FLeeT ONSTA ON STAtion OPS OPerationS PHIBGRU AmPHIBious GRoUp PHIBOPS AmPHIBious OPerationS PHIBUNITS AmPHIBious UNITS POSS POSSible POSSUB POSsible SUBmarine (activity) SATINT SATellite INTelligence SIGINT SIGnals INTelligence SITREP SITuation REPort SUPPUNITS SUPPly UNITS SURF SURFace (units) SURFUNITS SURFace UNITS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Navy Command Posts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CINC: Commander IN Chief: CINCAIRBASE AIR BASE CINCLANT atLANTic forces CINCNAVBASE NAVal BASE CINCNAVSURFLANT NAVal SURFace fleet, atLANTic CINCNORNAVEUR NORthern Naval forces EURope CINCPAC PACific CINCPACFLT PACific FLeeT CINCSEURCOM Southern EURope COMmand CINCUSNAVEUR US NAVy, EURope COM: COMmander: COMAIRBASE AIR BASE COMCONESC CONtinental ???? COMMERMARLANT MERchant MARine atLANTic COMNATONAVFORBALT NATO NAVal BALTic FORces COMNAVAIRSTA NAVal AIR STAtion COMNAVBASE NAVal BASE COMNAVSURFLANT NAVal SURface Forces, atLANTic COMPATWINGSLANT PATrol WINGS atLANTic (VP aircraft) COMSECONDFLT SECOND FLeeT COMSTRKFORLANT STRiKe FORce atLANTic COMSUBGRP SUBmarine GRouP COMSUBLANT SUBmarine forces, atLANTic COMSUBPAC SUBmarine forces, PACific COMSURFPAC SURFace forces, PACific COMAIRPAC AIR force, PACific COMSUBRON SUBmarine squadRON SAC: Supreme Allied Commander: SACEUR EURope SACLANT atLANTic Recommended Carrier Airwings (as in various battleset manuals) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obviously carrier airwings can be changed to suit the mission assigned to the carrier. The lists below are just a guide, and in some cases examples from actual Harpoon Scenarios. Russian: CV Admiral Kusnetsov 12 Su-27 Flanker D } or any combination 12 MiG-29 Fulcrum } of these aircraft 12 Yak-38 Forger } (including Yak-141's) 10 Ka-27 Helix A 4 Ka-27 Helix AEW CVHG Kiev/Baku 13 Yak-38 Forger 14 Ka-27 Helix A 3 Ka-25 Hormone B France: Charles de Gaulle 10 Rafale M 16 Super Etentard 8 SA.321G Frelon CV Clemenceau 16 Super Etendard 10 F-8E(FN) Crusader 8 Alize 2 SA.321G Super Frelon 2 Lynx Mk4 CVH Jeanne d'Arc 8 Lynx Mk4 Italy: CVH Giuseppe Garibaldi 8 AV-8B+ Harrier 8 SH-3D Sea King India: CVA Cochin 16 Yak-141 Freestyle 12 Ka-27 Helix A 4 Ka-27 Helix AEW 8 Sea King HAS.6 CVA Viraat 16 Sea Harrier Mk.51 6 Sea King HAS.6 12 Ka-27 Helix A CVH Vikrant 6 Sea King HAS.6 9 Ka-27 Helix A Spain: 8 Matador AV-8B CVH Principe de Asturias 6 SH-3D Sea King 3 SH-3 AEW 4 AB-212 ASW UK: CVH Invincible 8 Sea Harrier FRS.2 9 Sea King HAS.5 3 Sea King AEW.2 USA: CV Forrestal 24 F-14A Tomcat 18 F/A-18 Hornet 20 A-6E Intruder 10 S-3 Viking 5 EA-6B Prowler 5 E-2C Hawkeye 6 SH-60F Oceanhawk CVN Nimitz 24 F-14A Tomcat 24 F/A-18 Hornet 12 A-6E Intruder 10 S-3 Viking 5 EA-6B Prowler 5 E-2C Hawkeye 8 SH-60F Oceanhawk US Army infantry group sizes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Fire) Team - group of 3-5 men Squad - 10-20 men Platoon - group of 3-4 squads. About 30-50 men Company - group of 3-4 platoons. About 100-200 men Battalion - group of 3-5 companies. About 1,000 men Regiment - group of 2 battalions. About 2000 men Brigade - group of 3+ battalions, or 2 regiments. About 3000+ men Division - group of 3 brigades. About 10,000-20,000 men Corps - group of 2+ divisions and aux. About 30,000+ men Army - group of 2+ corps, plus HQ. About 75,000 men U.S. Navy Aircraft Squadron Abbreviations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HM Medium Helicopter HS Antisubmarine Helicopter HT Helicopter Training VA Attack Aircraft VAQ Electronic Warfare VAW Airborne Early Warning VF Fighter Interceptor VFA Multirole Fighter VP Patrol VS Antisubmarine VT Training VX Experimental/Special Assignment U.S.M.C. Acronyms: BLT Battalion Landing Team FMF Fleet Marine Force MAGTF Marine Air-Ground Task Force MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Command MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade MEF Marine Expeditionary Force MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit MEU(SOC) Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) U.S.M.C. Aircraft Squadrons Acronyms: HMA Attack Helicopters HMH Heavy lift Helicopters HMM Medium Helicopters HMU Utility Helicopters VMA Attack Aircraft VMAQ Electronic Warfare VMF Fighter Interceptor VMFA Multirole Fighters VMO Observation/Attack Plane Designators (Thanks to Roger Burton-West (UBTE30E@UCL.AC.UK) for these) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A = Attack B = Bomber C = Transport/Cargo E = EW F = Fighter (was P) -H = Helo (SH-60) K = Tanker O = Observer P = Obsolete (Pursuit in WW2) R = Recon (SR-71 only?) S = ??? (SR-71, S-3) T = Trainer U = Recon ? (U-2) -V = VTOL, non-helo (AV-8) X = Experimental Y = Prototype Weapon System Acronyms (Thanks to Emilio Desalvo (MC4187@IT.MCLINK) for this) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you've ever wondered what the difference between a RIM-7 missile and an AIM-7 missile, then hopefully this table will help. The first letter in the acronym describes the launch platform, the second describes the weapon's function, and the last letter describes the weapon's type: Launch Environment: A Airplane B Multi-Environment C Coffin F Infantry H Silo-stored (fired from surface) L Land (fixed Silo) M Mobile P Soft Pad R Ship U Underwater Function: D Decoy E Special Electronic G Surface Attack I Intercept (anti-aircraft) Q Target drone T Training U Underwater Attack W Weather Type: M Missile (guided) N Probe R Rocket Hence RIM-7 can be decoded as: |||-------------------------------------------------Missile #7 ||------------------------------------Air Intercept |-----------------------Ship Launched And AGM-84E is: |||---------------------------------------------------Missile #84 Mk E ||-------------------------------------Surface Attack |-------------------------Air Launched Abbreviations for U.S. military electronics (the "AN-" series) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Thanks to Shane (DEICHMAN@PERCH.NOSC.MIL) for typing this lot up for me !) The trigraphs which designate "Army-Navy/" ("AN/") series military electronics (e.g. AN/SPS-48C) follow a specific pattern: AN/(platform letter)(type of equipment)(function)-# Using these tables, you can find that the AN/SPS-48C really stands for "Army-Navy/Shipborne, Radar (pulsed), Search - Series number 48, Mod C". Also, you can mix and match your own. (e.g. the Mark 1A Eyeball would be recorded as "AN/PVQ-1A") [Note: These tables are adapted from "The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapons Systems 1991/92" by Norman Friedman, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, p. xxxiv. This reference is indispensable to anyone interested in military science and naval warfare. The tables below represent only U.S. electronics; there are similar tables for a host of other nations in Mr. Friedman's book.] Platform letter: A Airplane B Submarine ("boat") C Air-portable [obsolete] D Missile ("drone") F Fixed G Ground Use (general) K Amphibious M Ground-Mobile P Man-Portable S Ship (or water surface) T Ground-Transportable U Universal (land/water) V Ground ("vehicular") W Waterborne (surface/subsurface) Z Piloted and Pilotless Airborne Vehicle Combination Type of Equipment: A Infrared B Pigeon [obsolete] C Carrier (wire) D Radiac E Nupac [obsolete] F Photographic (not for U.S. use) G Telegraph/Teletype I Interphone or public address J Electro-mechanical or inertial wire covered K Telemetry L Countermeasures M Meteorological N Sound in air P Radar ("pulsed") Q Sonar and underwater sound R Radio S Special, Magnetic, etc. (or combination) T Telephone (wire) V Visual W Weapons X Facsimile or Television Y Data Processing (integration of sensors) Function: A Auxiliary equipment (e.g. antennae, displays) B Bombing C Communications (transceiver) D Direction Finding, Surveillance E Ejection or release G Fire Control ("gunnery") and searchlight direction H Recording/Reproducing K Computing L Searchlight Control [obsolete] M Maintenance and/or Test N Navigational P Reproducing [obsolete; use H] Q Multifunction or Special R Receive (passive detection) S Search T Transmit (e.g. jam) W Weapons Control X Identification (IFF) Y Multifunction (e.g. phased array radar) So AN/BQQ-5E can be decoded as: | ||| |------------------------------------------------Series 5, Mod E | |||------------------------------------Multifunctional | ||--------------------------------Sonar | |-----------------Boat (Submarine) |----------Army-Navy [The AN/BQQ-5 Series is an integrated sonar suite found on most US SSN's] Sources: ~~~~~~~ - Harpoon Operations Manual v1.0 by Lance Bernard, published by Three-Sixty Pacific Inc (1989) - Harpoon Manual Supplement v1.1 (1990) } - Harpoon Scenario Editor Manual v1.0 (1990) } by Three-Sixty, - Harpoon Battleset Manuals: NACV (1990), MEDC (1990) } published by - Harpoon v1.30 Manual (1992) } Three-Sixty Pacific - Harpoon v1.32 Release Notes (1992) } Inc - Harpoon Battleset Manual: IOPG (1991) by Three-Sixty, published by Electronic Arts - HDS I (1992) and II (1993) Scenario Manual by Rodney G. Graves et al., published by Three-Sixty Pacific Inc - Harpoon Battlebook by James DeGoey, published by Prima Publishing (1991) - Various CZ issues edited by Ted Kim (26 July 1990-22 April 1993) and Tom Comeau (23 April 1993-) - Red Phoenix by Larry Bond, published by Warner Books (1989) - Vortex by Larry Bond, published by Warner Books (1991) - The Tom Clancy Companion edited by M.H. Greenberg, concordance compiled by R.J. Green, published by Fontana (1992) - [a very good source for general military terms, but fairly specifically applied to Tom Clancy's novels] - Submarine by Tom Clancy, published by HarperCollins (1993) - The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapons Systems 1991/92 by Norman Friedman, published by Naval Institute Press Notes ~~~~~ 1. Some abbreviations have been taken from the USSR era, and it is unknown whether they are still applicable to Russian/CIS, if at all. Any information would be useful in keeping this list accurate. 2. A few definitions have been taken from "techo-thriller" fiction books. I apologise if any terms invented by the respective authors have slipped in. 3. As time goes by more and more credit must go to the people named below as it is their additions and corrections that allow me to update this list. Special thanks to: Ted Kim (TEK@FICUS.CS.UCLA.EDU) Tom Comeau (TCOMEAU@STSCI.EDU) Thanks to: Tobin M. Johnson (TOJOHNSO@EDU.MTU.CS.MAJOR) Captain Mark Chapman (ROTORHED@SWAMP.ALT.NS.CA) Steve Creps (CREPS@LATERAN.UCS.INDIANA.EDU) Jerry Han (JHAN@UNDERGRAD.MATH.UWATERLOO.CA) Rick Anderson (R_ANDERSON@NOVA.ERET.DEC.COM) Emilio Desalvo (MC4187@IT.MCLINK) Chris Saunderson(9205875M@NTX.CITY.UNISA.EDU.AU Alexander V. Krutikov (AVK@ELECARD.TOMSK.SU) Shane (DEICHMAN@PERCH.NOSC.MIL) Roger Burton-West (UBTE30E@UCL.AC.UK) Plus everyone else who has sent in minor corrections. Version 1.1 This Update : 18 January 1994 Original Document: 19 May 1993 ------------------------------ End of CZ Digest V17 Special Issue **********************************