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RE: Freighter map reqd

GDW produced a very good book for their MERC:2000 but I can't remember the
title.  Special Operations or something like that.  It had a scenario on a
freighter and about 8+ pages of deck plans, from the Sky Deck to the Engine
Room.  An excellent book all around, with multiple scenarios, maps, vehicle
and weapons information, and a strong section of intelligence services from
around the world.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aleister Crowley [mailto:AleisterJCrowley@rocketmail.com]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 5:02 AM
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Freighter map reqd

right, i can't remember where it was, or on whose site it was on, but
someone had a *very* detailed map of a commercial freighter, quite a
large one.  i really need a good copy for some piracy stuff i've been
working on-and-off on for a while (don't worry ryan, that stuff will
see the light of day, honest !)

other news is that we've scrapped the SLA Industries game in favour of
returning to ME, alternating it with some fading Suns, so expect some
ME snippets to start appearing on the RPG sextion of my webpage in the
near future, not sure wot, but there'll be something.....


"Even A Stopped Clock Tells The Right Time Twice A Day"
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