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Re: Virus alert

    Hello all,

    First of all I need to appologise to everyone receiving this emails.

    Second thanks to Roger you didn't not choose to reprimend me in public
but I still wanted to appologise.  The virus email wasn't intended to come
to this list (or any mailing list).  When I built the list to which this
alert went, I must have overlooked this mailing list and looking the email
over quite a few others I fear.

    The problem with this type of virus is you don't know you have it until
you reboot the computer.  It also attach itself to any email sent even if
sent to only one person the virus will forward itself to everyone in the
address book.

    Anyway I just wanted to say I'm sorry for any trouble.  If you have any
questions I'd be happy to answer them off list.

    Michel Côté
    GM of Millennium's End Encounters