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RE: Genoa

I ran a scenario inspired by the World Banc riots where the cell was hired
by a group of multinationals to perform a truly horrific act of vandalism,
which could be blamed on the protestors and cleaned up by corps.  Set in
Paris, the cell set fire to the Cathedral of Notre Dam, left evidence
damning the most radical protestors, and the renovation was sponsored by the
corps in question.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Mulock [mailto:salamndr@3web.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:27 PM
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Re: Genoa

Robert J. Hansen wrote:

> Now that I've done my best to inject some reason into the discourse, I'm
> going to step very far out of this discussion.  It's not germane to the
> Millennium's End list, near as I can tell, and I really don't want to
> see another firestorm envelop the list.

Sorry Rob, I was just trying to open a discussion on the vast potential of
scenarios that could be drawn from this for a Cell working such an event....

I would also like to continue to do so. Anybody else have any nifty ideas
jobs that could come of this for BE/BE?


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