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Re: ME System vs. Background.

    If you use the Gurps Spec Ops book, Special Forces, SAS, SEAL ME characters could easily reach the 300-400+ point range.  However, they will not have access to the 'special' (super-hero/occult) advantages that Black Ops characters have.  And your ex-; beat cop, FBI agent, Hacker, etc. will be running in the 150-200 range.
    If converted from ME rules, most ME characters will come out to the 200-300 pt range for Gurps.  Depending on education, experience, and stats.  I have run an ME game using Gurps rules (my players didn't want to learn a new rules system *shrug*).  The characters were built on 225pts. this worked very well, for me.
    Black Ops as written does not mesh well with the ME world in my opinion.  A toned down X-files style weirdness is fine, (the players seldom know if the aliens were real or a hoax or swamp gas).  And what weirdness there is should be scattered about so the players never know if the mission is normal or a bug-hunt.  Making biotech and advanced tech common for the players (as opposed to common for everyday people) is not in keeping with the feel of ME.  If you want to take ME 10-20 years into the future in some proto-cyberpunk setting then that would probably be fine.
Gareth Livergood
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, 30 July, 2001 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: ME System vs. Background.

In a message dated 7/30/01 6:32:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, jbuchr@bu.edu

First, Black Ops is a game of aliens, magic,
science-fiction technology, and globe-spanning cinematic conspiracies,
while ME is a game of quasi-realistic technothriller suspense and action.
Second, Black Ops characters are built off of around 500-600 points, so
far above the level of the average ME character that one Black Ops agent

      Actually, i have found the two mesh very well.  If you take the
foreword of BLACK OPS, that what is described in the book happens all the
time, and has since WWII, just that Joe Blow doesn't know, its perfect.  And
i have never started characters out in Black Ops.......that doesn;t
happen...you have to be recuited for exemplory service elswhere, how many
points does a ME chararacter that has been on 20 long missions have?
      Its possible to do, but i agree, not everyone would enjoy it.
