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[no subject]

I'm a little more interested in the legality than whether it feasible to mix
pre- and post-ban magazines.
Ryan said:
That is not true.  If you put a hi cap mag in a firearm purchased after
October 1994 you are in violation of federal law.

Eric commented:
Does anyone have case law or a citation from a reputable source (NRA, RKBA,

I spent about two hours looking online last night for any sort of statement
one way or another and could not find anything either way.  As an owner of a
post-1994 weapon, it is an issue.  I'm not sure it is particularly relevant
to a ME (where we grant the GM the ability to suspend the real world and
move to a technothriller version of never-neverland), so perhaps it's
something that should go to email.

At some point, I read something with concurs with Ryan, but given the
limited information, I suspect it was either a state law or 'assault
weapon-only'.  Adding an extended capacity magazine to a weapon which barely
made it through the points (pistol grip, bayonet lug, etc.) of the 1994 AW
ban could push the weapon over the number of points required, at which point
you have 'manufactured' a post-ban assault weapon (i.e. broken the law).
