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Re: Floorplans

> >Does anybody know of any webpages who has detailed floorplans, similar to
> >those
> >in the GM's companion? I'm really getting sick and tired of drawing
> >floorplans
> >for my players. As for the GM's companion... a map isn't that exciting
> >you've had about 50 shootoust there..

    Several of the consumer floorplan and house design software packages are
sutible for doing floor plans for ME.  The plus is you can populate a room,
house, office with furniture.  The minuses are that many use a proprietary
file format and they range from US$30 to US$100.  Look for those that can
save the floorplan as an image file or AutoCAD file.  There were several on
the market that had the capability for up to 60+ floors and office layouts.
Most of the newer ones offer 3D views of the rooms from any angle, this is
great for first person views and if the program is on a laptop at the gaming
table you can show the player exactly what he sees from his cover behind the

> A good idea is to browse through real estate websites (you know, people
> selling lots of houses ;) if that's the word for it), there are quite a
> plans to find.
> Besides that, does anyone know a useful programm to draw plans on the
> computer? Freeware preferred.
> Arclight
> --
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