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Re: Finally back...

Gurth -

> Although GCUK has been over for a week,
> I'm only now back home... Greets to Roger
> Burton West, Roger ("How do you take her?")
> Stenning,


You evil sod! I got coffee all over my damn keyboard (That'll teach me
to ask damned silly questions of an ISG member in a game of M.E.)!

To educate others who are wondering if I've lost my bloody marbles:

In a playtest of "Missing Fish" at UK Gen Con 2001, which will be run
in a more final form at UK Gen Con 2002, the team had broken into the
chief suspect's home, and were rifling through the place, looking for
incriminating evidence, when the wife comes back. So, with most of the
team hiding, one of them decides to grab her. So, innocently, I ask
the evil-minded so-and-so (who happens to be one of the founding
members of the ISG, thankfully NOT on this list!) "OK, Ian, how do you
take her?".

Since this is a PG-14 list, I won't pollute the list with the lude
reply, but suffice to say, it completely corpsed not only me, but the
players at not only my table, but probably the next hundred metres of
so radius of tables around us, as well!

> AJ Crowley, Lee Williams, and anyone else I
> may have met who's on this list but which I don't
> know about :) Hope to see you guys again next
> year or so...

Oh, matey, you will... you will... (if only for me to get revenge on
you, lol)!

> Oh, and I'll see about putting up the pictures
> somewhere, as soon as I find a program to
> view those MPEGs with :/

Remember, mate, I'd like a copy of that photo, too!

Best regards,

Roger Stenning
Organiser, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
(PGP public key available on request)
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