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Re: WSG2000 in .408?

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> It has to be said that Snatch was a bloody gold-mine of one-liners,
> visual ROFLMAO incidents, and funny as **** bits; in short, probably
> one of the funniest movies I've seen in many a year - if you ai';t
> seen it, GO RENT IT!

Boris the Blade's death scene had me laughing so hard I was seeing stars from 
not being able to breathe.  Although I did have a big question: when Boris 
left his house he was carrying an M16/M203 combo, but in the next scene when 
he enters the pub from the rear entrance, he's carrying a Kalashnikov.  There 
are probably all of three people in the world who noticed that (the rifle is 
never clearly shown in the scene), and I'm probably the only one of the three 
who's at all annoyed by the glaring weapon difference.  :)

- -- 
Robert J. Hansen <rjhansen@inav.net>
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