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Re: Quick Adventure idea needed...

> Depending a lot on your players:
> An encounter with the sort of rabid 'anti-gay' that is all too prevalent in certain parts of the US.

	This certainly does offer possibilities although I am not aware
	how it does happen in US. Could you give me few pointers (I could
	use it in future) on what has happened in general so I can use 
	these in my game.

> (Information for the GM's eyes only - this individual will become material to the investigation in the near future, and his encounter with Ms FBI and her partner will prejudice him against co-operation.

	"Material to investigation"?

> (You must realise that an openly gay FBI agent of any gender is extremely unlikely - they are not only among the most conservative of US citizens but are held to extremely high moral standards - which in this country means fully and openly heterosexual, if not completely asexual.  If you have not already introduced your agent's partner, to be completely accurate you should change her gender.  If you have, it is far more likely that your agent will betray her fellow agent, having been part of an internal investigation designed to expose the partner's 'deviance'.  Alternatively, the 'deviant partner' would be a scientist, subject of an investigation, and discredited by your agent.)

	She is not in FBI anymore, althought that is her nickname
	because she used to be in FBI (for few years at least).

	Anyways, that was most interesting information. She is not
	openly bisexual (is this right term?) in work and her own
	personal life is very private (ie. she does not date or meet
	her colleagues outside work). In work she is quite asexual
	person ("work is work, play is play") and thus I believe
	that she might have gone away with it in her short time in
	FBI (she has aura of being quite a cold persona).

	Would this work?