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Re: The Hindi word for 'the business' is 'Eh Bapar' [was: Any Hindi speakers out there?]

Izzy -

> Um, I don't think you read the rest of the message.

D'OH! This is what happens when I want to clear my in-tray before getting on with completing a draft adventure for next
year's UK Gen Con (Missing Fish - folks wot played it at UKGC this year will by now be groaning - it's DONE)!

> My friend doesn't speak Hindi, but a friend of her
> mum does.

D'OH (again)

> BTW, there is a spelling correction, it is 'Eh Bapar'.

Right. OK. Lessee...

Kevin reckons: "Karabar means business in Hindu."

Your freind reckons: "it is 'Eh Bapar'."


'Karabar' sounds a lot like a bazzaar, or a place actually within India. 'Eh Bapar' sounds like it could actually mean
something. Kevin, I'm sorry, but I think, on balance, that I'm going to go with 'Eh Bapar'.

Just as well there wasn't a prize, innit?!

Best regards,

Roger Stenning
Organiser, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
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