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RE: [ME] Florida and Bio terror

-----Original Message-----
From: Arclight [mailto:arclight@datahaven.de]
Sent: 11 October 2001 22:23
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Re: [ME] Florida and Bioterror

At 17:17 11.10.2001 -0400, CHam628781@aol.com wrote:


>Er...no. FMD is highly infectious and prior to the current outbreak had
>not been seen in the UK since 1967 (unless you meant it's now naturally
>occuring of course, but that's due to government incompetence).
>In fact the government's reluctance to use vaccines stems from the fact
>that countries that use them lose their FMD free status and as a
>consequence have difficulty exporting produce.

As long as animals are vaccinated, FMD doesn't show up, even if animals are
infected. So not vaccinating is the only way to find out *if* animals are
infected, and with today's animal transports accross europe, it's really
important to know that.


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