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RE: [ME] Florida and Bioterror

The point was that it was (sadly) inevitable that a terrorist incident of
this magnitude would happen eventually. All our worst nightmares are
starting to become reality.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Benson [mailto:e_r_benson@hotmail.com]
Sent: 14 October 2001 15:37
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Re: [ME] Florida and Bioterror

> Further developments on anthrax are showing that it probably was a
> biowarfare attack. My point (which you've totally missed once more) was
> complacency that existed about this, not the viability.

Well, a side effect of the attention the press has given the incidents is
the number of spurious cases has gone up exponentially.  I live in Delaware,
the second smallest state in the US.  Hazmat calls are pretty uncommon.  On
Friday night, there were five Hazmat (Hazardous Materials) cases, three
simultaneously.  One case was still being investigated, the other four were
false alerts.  People are so paranoid now that *anything* remotely
resembling a problem gets a call.  That puts a tremendous drain on the


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