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Re: Fer pity's sake, MoD've gone and blown the piggy bank!

----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stenning (G1LIW) <g1liw@lineone.net>
To: Millennium's End mailing List <millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 9:33 AM
Subject: Fer pity's sake, MoD've gone and blown the piggy bank!

> Hi folks.
> Well, I suppose MoD had to try and save face somehow.
> The bloody L85 (that's an SA-80, to most of you lot!), has been given
another ninety-odd million quid, to get it to an
> entrey-level of acceptance. Will they never learn?
> Anyhow, here're the link. Have fun.
> http://armydev.dera.gov.uk/presscentre/database/showPR.asp?id=2382

Chuffin hell...and they already ordered a bunch of Diemaco C-8 but I'm
guessing that those are for the 'top' regiments like the paras and the RM?
The regulars have to put up with the Plastic Unfantastic again...great.

My personal take on this is that the government made a slip up in the
accounts for some black ops and now they have to explain what the 90 million
was for :-)

Lee Williams
ICQ 25628876
Associate Editor - DEMONGROUND: Reflections of a Darker Future