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Re: Fer pity's sake, MoD've gone and blown the piggy bank!

----- Original Message -----
From: Joni Virolainen <joni.virolainen@welho.com>
To: <millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: Fer pity's sake, MoD've gone and blown the piggy bank!

> I have heard of Armalite but I always thought that it was just another
> "name" for M-16. Could you tell me more about Armalite?
> Thanks,

Armalite is the company that designed and manufactured the original AR-15
under the guidance of the designer Eugene Stoner. Other weapons by Armalite
include the AR-10 (the M-16's bigger older brother), the AR-18 series and
several shotguns. The latest in the line (yes the company is still going) is
the AR-50 sniper rifle using BMG ammo.
