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Re: Woah. Another news story ripe for an ME campaign

Well it bloody sucks mate.  Heard about it this morning.  If our boys in the NZSAS weren't so busy elsewhere might be a good idea if they went and did some cleaning up of the other scum in this world.  Mongrel dog tucker is all they are.  And there were some idiots out there who went 'oh do pirates still exist?'  They sure do, and some of them are a fear bit closer to home too.  One of the greatest Kiwi adventurer's ever.  He will be missed.  For me, this is far too much a tragedy to play out in a game setting.  Yet, this is another act of blatant terrorism, but I doubt we shall see Brazil being bombed for the acts of a few pirates.  Though piracy is a global issue.

No conspiracy, just terror on the high seas.

At 19:46 6/12/01 -0800, you wrote:

I'm stunned.  Does this scream conspiracy or what?

Jeff Pawlowski
Millennium's End: Officially Unofficial

"I don't want to watch a movie about a guy that has trouble saying 'I love you' unless he's been shot in the face."  -- Ray, Everybody Loves Raymond.

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