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RE: Mission Priorities Site Update

Thanks for the feedback. The article sprang from an idea I had last summer
but had to take some time to develop.

To be honest, the article was getting pretty lengthy - I was trying to cover
as much ground as possible without getting technical. I'm one of those guys
who likes technology but only wants to know what it does and how to get it
to work, not how it works!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Pendergast [mailto:pender@alumni.utexas.net]
Sent: 08 January 2002 23:19
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Re: Mission Priorities Site Update

>The update includes an article looking at security systems ('Under Lock and
>Key') in the game, continuing the theme of the recent revision of the Tools
>section of the Logistics and Procurement Catalogue, covering lockpicking
>forced entry equipment.

Outstanding.  Perhaps you could add a bit more on circumvention techniques,

Also, I just picked up a book called "Lock Bypass Methods" through
amazon.  I highly recommend every ME GM read it.


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