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Fingerprint biometric devices, which attempt to identify people on the ba=
of their fingerprint, are touted as highly secure and almost impossible t=
fool but Matsumoto's work calls this comforting notion into question. The
equipment he used is neither particularly hi-tech, nor expensive and if
Matsumoto can pull off the trick what would corporate espionage boffins b=
capable of?

Matsumoto tried these attacks against eleven commercially available
fingerprint biometric systems, and was able to reliably fool all of them.

Noted cryptographer Bruce Schneier, the founder and CTO of Counterpane
Internet Security, described Matsumoto's work as more than impressive.

"The results are enough to scrap the systems completely, and to send the
various fingerprint biometric companies packing," said Schneier in
yesterday's edition of his Crypto-Gram newsletter, which first publicised
the issue. =AE