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IMMEW v0.2

In My Millennium’s End World…
By Roger Stenning (roger@the-isg.co.uk)

The pursuit of the Millennium’s End Role Playing Game is somewhat of a
passionate thing for the players and referees, with different
interpretations and ‘house rules’ used most everywhere.

So, in the sprit of free information exchange, and to help take the mickey
out of Geek Code, I’ve devised this, the IMMEW Code.

Implementation is simple. Just follow the instructions below, then put the
resulting code in the signature strip of your e-mails, for all other players
and referees ‘in the know’, to know where you stand!

Here’s an example:

RR5a   S1C4   HRGC   CRA   AUA   EMILAF   ma+   K   F4   X--


People can seldom be strictly quantified. To facilitate the fact that within
any one category the geek may not be able to determine a specific rating,
variables have been designed to allow this range to be included.

@	for this variable, said trait is not very rigid, may change with time or
with individual interaction. For example, People who happen to very much
enjoy the canon history, but don’t using it all of the time, might list
themselves as CC@, rather than C+.
()	for indicating "cross-overs" or ranges. People who go from Canon to
non-canon, depending on the situation (i.e. mostly "CC") could use C+(---).
@ is different from () in that () has finite limits within the category,
while @ ranges all over.
>	for 'wannabe' ratings. Indicating that while the person is currently at
one rating, they are striving to reach another. For example, ma+>$
indicating a person that is currently practicing a martial art, but wants to
someday make money at it (yeah, right, fat chance!).
$	Indicates that this particular category is done for a living. For example,
EMILAR11-B+++$ indicates that the person is a serving light infantryman.
?	Unless stated otherwise within the specific category, the ? is placed
after the category identifier and indicates that the geek has no knowledge
about that specific category. For example, a person that has never even
heard of something, would list that category with the suffix ?.
!	Placed BEFORE the category. Unless stated otherwise, indicates that the
person refuses to participate in this category. This is unlike the ?
variable as the ? indicates lack of knowledge, while the ! indicates
stubborn refusal to participate. For example, !F would be a person that just
plain refuses to have anything to do with firearms, while F? would be a
person that doesn't even know what a gun is.

Rules set:

I primarily use the following edition:

1st Edition					R1
2nd Edition (v 2.0)				R2
2nd (Internet) edition (v 2.1)			R3


I think these rules rock			R
I think these rules are fine			+
The rules are OK				=
I think there’s problems with the rules	-
I hate the rules				H

Background material

The material is excellent			5
The material is fine				4
The material is OK				3
The material has holes in it			2
The material sucks the big one		1

Dateline of the material

The dateline needs a major update	a
The dateline could use some work
to bring it up to date				b
The dateline is fine as-is			c
The dateline is old and tired		d
The dateline sucks				e


I’ve got the lot!				S1
I’ve got the majority				S2
I’ve got some					S3
I’ve got a couple				S4
All I got it the rules				S5

Canon or not?

I go completely canon			CC
I use canon most of the time		C+
Everything before 2000AD is canon	C3
Everything after 1999AD is non-canon	C4
Nothing is canon				CN

House Rules:

I’ve replaced the core rules with
house rules					HC
I use a lot of house rules			H+
I’ve a couple of house rules		HR
I don’t use House Rules			H-

Character Generation

I’m hardcore – I do ‘em from scratch!	GS
I use templates from the rules		GT
I use MECS					GM
I use ChrGen					GG
I use other software				GO
I use a combination of the above		GC
I do something completely different!	G!

Combat Resolution

I do it by hand				CRH
I use a calculator				CRC
I cheat, and use a computer program!	CRP
I fudge it, and go with what looks best	CRF
I go with a combination of the above	CRA


I write all my own				AWM
I use stuff written by others			AWO
I wing it all the time (Freeform)		AWI
Depends if I’ve got time to prepare it	ATA
I use all the above				AUA


EB	Business
EC	Classics
ECA	Commercial Arts
ECM	Computer Management
ECS	Computer Science
ECC	Communications
EE	Engineering
EED	Education
EFA	Fine Arts
EG	Government
EH	Humanities
EIT	Information Technology
EJ	Jurisprudence (Law)
ELS	Library Science
EL	Literature
EMC	Mass Communications
EM	Math
EMD	Medicine
EMIL	Military (suffixes: A - Army; N - Navy; A - Air Force; M - Marines; R -
Regular; r - Reserves, for instance, EMILAr is an Army reservist) OPTIONAL
SUFFIX for US types - your MOS number, i.e. 11-B for light infantry, etc.
Add the suffix F if you’ve since left the service.
EMU	Music
EPA	Performing Arts
EPOL	Police Officer (Specialisation suffix: B - Beat or regular cop; D -
Detective; M - Mounted (horses!) cop; O - Other specialisation); P -
Political unit (For Instance, Special Branch); T - Traffic Cop; S - SWAT, or
the local equivalent;
EP	Philosophy
ES	Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.)
ESS	Social Science (Psychology, Sociology, etc.)
ETW	Technical Writing
EO	Other. Some people deviate from the normal activities. This is encouraged
as not everyone is normal, and these come from all walks of life.
EU	'Undecided'. This is a popular vocation with incoming freshmen
E!	No qualifications. A rather miserable existence, you would think.
EJOAT	Jack Of All Trades. For those that can do anything and everything.
JOAT usually precludes the use of other vocational descriptors.

House Weapons

Martial Arts weapons/training

ma+++	I'm Bruce Lee; I could arm and equip a small Shaolin temple.
ma++	I'm a black belt; I break concrete blocks; I have a few toys around.
ma+	I'm currently practicing martial arts, and am getting there.
Ma	I enrolled in Kung Fu 4 Everyone last week.
ma-	I watch a lot of Chuck Norris movies.
ma--	I broke my hand once trying to break boards.
ma---	Don't hurt me, Mommy took my Nerf Nunchaku away.

!ma	I've never tried martial arts, and probably never will.
ma?	What are martial arts?
ma??	Marshal Arts?  Is he the one who shot Billy the Kid?

Knives and other bladed weapons

k+++	I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod....
k++	I own a couple of really nice knives and a sword or two.
k+	I bought this really cool Conan sword at Worldcon!
K	I own a Swiss Army knife.
k-	I own a kitchen knife.
k--	I own a letter opener.
k---	I cut myself on letter openers.

!k	I used to own a kitchen knife, but it rusted away.


F+++	The National Guard comes to me when they run low on ammo.
F++	I collect guns, shoot them regularly, and load my own ammo.
F+	I own a gun, and shoot it a couple of times a year.
F	I own a Paintball or Airsoft gun.
F-	I own a Super Soaker 5.
F--	Oh, yuck.  Guns are *icky*....
F---	You own a gun?  Help!!!  Police!!!  There's a maniac in here!!!

!F	I don't own a gun, but it's a personal choice.
!!F	I don't like guns, so you shouldn't be allowed to have one either.
F?	I don't know one end of a gun from the other.
F??	What's a gun?

Optional skill modifiers:

F5	I can shoot the eye out of a gnat at 1000 yards, blindfolded.
F4	I usually keep everything in the X-ring.
F3	I usually keep everything in the black.
F2	I can usually hit the target.
F1	I can hit the broad side of a barn if I stand close enough.
F0	I'm more danger to people behind me than I am to the target.

(If your code is F+++?0, please advise what state you're living in so
 that other folks in your state/county have forewarning to move elsewhere.)

High Explosives

X+++	I have a Thermonuclear Weapons rider on my Destructive Devices permit.
X++	I mix plastique in my blender; my car has a concealed flamethrower.
X+	I make my own pyrotechnics.
X	I have a can of Thrust somewhere.
X-	I buy firecrackers for (National Holiday).
X--	I actually use Pyro for something other than frightening the neighbours
X---	I burned my fingers with a firecracker once.

!X	I don't like loud noises.
X?	What are explosives?


More to come in the next version!

Best regards,

Roger Stenning,
the Impossible Scenarios Group
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