BEEPER AND SEEKER ROCKETS One of Nikola Tesla's many innovative inventions, beeper rockets are small, armor piercing rockets equipped with transmitters. When fired at a target aircraft, beepers inflict only cosmetic damage, instead attaching themselves to the target and emitting a homing signal for several minutes. Seeker rockets, on the other hand, follow this homing signal, exploding when they come into close proximity with the beeper. Seeker rockets are complex devices; essentially, they are small, radio-controlled and rocket-powered aircraft. Although the seeker rocket is "smart" enough to move toward the beeper, it is not sophisticated enough to avoid collisions with other obstacles. (Pilots firing a seeker at a target that has been "tagged" with a beeper must have a clear line of sight to the target.) These weapons are difficult to use, but devastating when used properly. Though high-g maneuvers can throw off a seeker rocket, such aggressive evasive tactics can inflict damage on an aircraft, as well. Because dogs can hear the high-frequency sounds emitted by a beeper rocket, many pilots fly with pet canines stowed in the cargo area (as an early-warning system against this unusual weapon); when the dog starts barking, pilots start making evasive maneuvers. |