TL7 Zil Tovarishch [Dark Conspiracy] A cheap and nasty car. Did I mention it's cheap? Crew: Driver, up to three passengers Subassemblies: Vehicle +3, Body +3, Wheels +1. P&P: 20-kW gasoline engine (short term access), 12.8 gal gasoline (fire 11), 500-kWs lead acid battery, 20-kW wheeled drivetrain (short term access). Fuel: 12.8 gal standard fuel tank (fire modifier 0), 12.8 gal gasoline (fire 11). Occupancy: roomy crew station, roomy front passenger seat, two normal rear passenger seats, 4-man environmental control system, 20-cf cargo hold. Armor F RL B T U Body 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 Wheels 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 Equipment Body: medium range radio communicator (30-mile range; receive only). Statistics Size: [LxWxH] 18.7 x 4.68 x 2.34 Payload: 1,277 lbs. Lwt: 3,595 lbs. Volume: 205 cf Maint: 227 Hrs (0.423 man-hrs./day) Price: $1,946 HT: 11 HP: 150 [Body], 19 each [4x Wheels]. Ground Performance: Motive Power 20-kW, Top Speed 55 mph, gAcc 3 mph/s, gDec 10 mph/s, gMR 0.75, gSR 4, Ground Pressure 3,595 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 10 mph. Design Notes: TL7 light frame very cheap materials [Vehicle]. TL7 DR 3 cheap metal [Vehicle]. Operating Duration: 16 H. Payload Cost: $19.2 Vehicle Features: mechanical controls, Fair streamlining, cheaply made. Volume: 187 cf [Body], 18.7 cf [Wheels]. Area: 200 sf [Body], 50 sf [Wheels]. Book Options: Vehicles Lite ground speed.