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New Webring

Hey All!

I have created the new ME webring - GenNET v2 - The New Millennium's End
Webring using Yahoo's Webring.

If you have a website that pertains to ME, please feel free to join the
ring.  You can join by following hte "Join" link fromt eh ring navbar
currently on my website (www.kracik.com/me).  After submitting your website,
you will receive an email, containing a link to get the java script snippet
you need to add to your website.  Please add this code as soon as possible -
I will not approve your submission until it is done.  Also, if you are using
frames, please put the snippet on a page that will bring the surfer to a top
page - I don't want to have people getting locked into someone elses frames.
Also, please do not bury the ring navbar on your site.  I would like to keep
the task of hopping from one site to the next fairly easy for a surfer.

I have created a simple graphic for the navbar.  If you have a suggestion
for a new one, please let me know - I am open to suggestions.

Thanks, and hope to see your site in the ring.

Christopher J. Kracik
The ME Notebook