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Re: BlackEagle/BlackEagle Corporate Website

> Last, there should be some fine
> opportunities by everyone to contribute to a bi-weekly
> BlackEagle Express newsletter to create some
> interesting fiction, and contribute to the
> BlackEagle/BlackEagle history.  Again, Express has
> been given preliminary approval.
> "Preliminary Approval" is interpretted as, "go ahead
> and post it" with my agreement to pull it down if the
> need arises.  If things are done within lines of the
> present published history and theme, I've been ensured
> that it won't be yanked down.

Excellent - This being the case, once you are up and running, it's my
intention to reduce my RPG workload a tad, and dispense with the Bulletin (I
am also running out of space on my site, and can use it for other ME

> Hit the site and hit me with some email if you want to
> participate.  If there is a rough timeline for the
> MEFCHiP, I would like to take a look and see if the
> Express can possibly follow those lines.

Sounds like a plan.

BTW - for those of you who are patiently waiting for the MEFHCP Phase Two
material, I've not forgotton, it's just that I'm snowed with a legal matter
(no, I'm not in trouble, we're working on keeping others out of trouble!)
right now, and need to divert most of my attention there, thus RPGs are a
dim second priority right now. Expect to see something shortly after New
Years day. Thanks for your patience!

Best regards,

Roger Stenning
Organiser, The Millennium's End Future History Continuation Project.
Webmaster, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
(PGP public key available on request)
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