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RE: Alarming statistics.

Your fear of armed intruders in your home is a sad indictment of the culture that deems it important that there is a constitutional right to bear arms.
If the UK is apparently as dangerous as (or more so than) the US in terms of dangerous crime as Robert suggests, then I must surely start lobbying my MP to liberalise our firearms laws to turn the UK into the last frontier. Somehow, I don't think I'll get very far. Thank God.
-----Original Message-----
From: CamaroGen1@aol.com [mailto:CamaroGen1@aol.com]
Sent: 30 June 2001 05:11
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Re: Alarming statistics.

In a message dated 6/29/01 4:39:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
dddl21455@cableinet.co.uk writes:

The comparison to cars and road safety is, quite frankly, bollocks. To many
people a car is essential (I, like many people, simply cannot get to work
without one). Within the UK for example there are a ridiculous number of
car owners (and yes, quite probably too many for safety). But equally,
there are probably around 99%+ of people who have no use for a firearm in
their daily life whatsoever.

    Well, i find it hard to feel safe in my home without my assembled and
fully loaded Beretta, the same as you would find it hard to find your way to
work without a car.  The plain truth is the application of the term "use".  
You "use" your car everyday.  I maintain, I "use" my Beretta everyday, it is
an insurance policy against an armed intruder in my home.
      How often do you "use" you auto insurance? Home insurance?  But you
would find it hard to function without those policies.
Point is, we license millions of people a day to DRIVE a deadly weapon,
without much concern.  You can argue "intended use" theroy all you want, the
rhetoric most used in gun abolishinists is "possible harm", and I have to
tell you, i fear the "possible harm" of the guy driving next to me on the
freeway at 70mph more.\
