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RE: Alarming statistics.

 >   You "use" your car everyday.  I maintain, I "use"
> my Beretta everyday, it
> is
>   an insurance policy against an armed intruder in
> my home.

Not wishing you to take this with offense...

But, if you knew that there was no/a very, very slim
possibility of any potential intruder being armed,
would you need the autoloader to feel safe?
In the UK; if you worry about burglers, you sleep with
a cricket bat or katana by your bedside - and your
friends call you paranoid. 
Having lived in 'dangerous' counties, I felt safer NOT
having a gun and instead relying on complete
complience and my insurance to right any intruder
problems and thus avoiding armed confrontation (with
the frankly no better than even odds that half-asleep
me with a weapon not in my hands would be able to deal
with an alert and armed intruder). In the case where
this was insufficient, a panic button with a 2 minute
armed response silent alarm was fine.


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