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Re: Paintball

Mike Fortey wrote:
> > > Things like that happen
> > > all the time. It's not the amount of paint you can
> > put out, it's all
> > > location location location!
> But putting out a lot of paint is so much more fun!

That's as may be, but it gets very expensive, especially when a case of
paint runs anywhere from $75-150, depending on brand, type, and where
you get it.

> >....the possibility of taking more than
> > 13 shots
> > seems....unsportsmanlike, and should be against the
> > rules.
> Don't stop firing until the arm is in the air! And
> usually when the arm comes up, there are about 5
> rounds en-route as it were (So put your arm up and
> yell, but don't actually make the mistake of standing
> until the firing ceases). Still, getting lit up like a
> Christmas tree hurts like hell.... especially groin,
> ear, throat and knuckle shots.

This is the reason why some fields have incorporated the 3-shot rule,
which means that if you hit your opponent with more than three shots,
you're out too.
Armored gloves, throat protectors and athletic cups help against that

I was once lit up like a Christmas tree from about thirty or thirty-five
feet away, at most. However, due to "natural body armor," they all
bounced. I call that the Pulp Fiction Incident.

> With today's smaller .62 balls with thicker shells to
> withstand the semi-auto mechanisms and people wearing
> baggier clothing, you can't rely on those balls
> bursting. Even 'sniping' is best resolved by a frantic
> finishing burst, rather than a single shot that might
> well wing or not burst.
> > I love Spyders, great little guns.
> <---'Mag owner

'Mags are okay, but don't they require some bit of modifications out of
the box? I know Autocockers are like that...

-- tengu

It is said that whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they first
make him mad. In fact, whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they
first hand the equivalent of a stick with a fizzing fuse and 
Acme Dynamite Company written on the side. It's much more
interesting and it doesn't take as long.
	-- Terry Pratchett, "Soul Music"