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Re: Genoa


On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 16:01:57 EDT CamaroGen1@aol.com writes:
>     It's pretty sad when the "peace-loveing" protestors start fires, 
> and then 
> throw rocks and bottles at the police, then whine and cry because 
> they were 
> injured or killed, and say that they were "executed".
>     Makes me want to puke, the hypocrisy is sickining

        This is a rather grotesque and obvious troll, but I feel
compelled to respond to it (silly me).  Before making such condemnatory
statements about people and events which you know nothing about, try to
look at the facts first.  If you are at all interested in the facts,
check out www.commondreams.org, www.indymedia.org, www.webactive.com, and
www.zmag.org, and see the reports on Genoa.  You might be interested to
know that the police van drove over the protester's body twice, and that
the officer who killed the protester is now charged with murder.  Also
you might want to see Amnesty International's press release about the
police response in Genoa.  You might also be interested in the various
reports on what happened in the U. S. during protests against the WTO,
the IMF/World Bank, and at the Democratic and Republican conventions in
Philly and Los Angeles.  Not to mention what happened in Quebec City
during the FTAA protests, or in Goteborg, Sweden, or half a dozen other
        Oh yeah, you might want to check on Kent State and Jackson State
in 1970 while you're at it...
        Or maybe you'd just like to chant "Il Duce!" and hang banners
with Mussolini's face on it, as many of the Genoan police did?

- Manu

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