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Re: Atchisson & Able Team...

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Mike Baker wrote:
> Now there were some seriously crappy books.....

Tell me about it.  I remember loving them waaaay back when I read issues
4-7 because (for some unknown reason) my junior high school library had
copies of them (probably donations) and this was back in the day when we
didn't have kids shooting other kids with regularity.  I picked one able
team book up at a used book store out of nostalgia's sake, and I couldn't
get more than forty pages into it.  There were gunfights that just
*happened* for no real reason, but that the bad guys had shown up.  The
text was drab and it was really hard to even care about waht was going on.
How many times did Stivers think "a vicious hail of high-velocity lead
tore through the terrorist and sent him straight to hell" was going to

Jacob E. Boucher
AIM S.N.= jbuchr