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Re: Mission idea (new)

--- Gareth Livergood <garethlivergood@gmx.co.uk>
>     With all of the news lately about the white
> farmer situation in Zimbabwe I though this might
> work for a mission idea;

Darnit!  You're ruining and surprise I had for my
BlackeagleBlackeagle YahooGroup Free-From RPG :)

If you want an interesting hitch, my wife and I get
this periodical called "The Funny Times" which is a
humor/comic monthly that comments on the news worthy
items.  One of my favorite writers, Jim Hightower (at
Texan I might add) mentions how some cops in many
southern California cities are posing as pedestrians,
so that they can ticket drivers that do not yield at
crosswalks.  Apparently, this is a very risky thing
since many drivers are nearly hitting these
pedestrians.  That should be a neat starting contract
for a rookie cell :)

Jeff Pawlowski
Millennium's End: Officially Unofficial

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