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RE: Terrorist attacks in the USA

I think we are looking at a casualty count in the tens of thousands. God
have mercy on any organization behind this because the US won't.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Stenning [mailto:roger@isgwds.enterprise-plc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:09 AM
To: ME-List
Subject: Terrorist attacks in the USA

If you haven't heard already, you're either lucky, ignorant, or have
been on Mars. Take your pick.

Known facts.

1.    Three commuter sized aircraft hijacked in Boston (?)
2.    BOTH towers of the NY World Trade Centre hit by B767
       sized aircraft. Towers on fire.
3.    Pentagon hit by another (unknown size) aircraft.
4.    National Groundstop order issued, grounding all aircraft
       in the USA.
5.    Several Islamic (Palestinian?) groups claiming
6.    One of the TWC towers collapsed (?) causing more


7.    Airport security world wide will increase MASSIVELY.
8.    US Forces around the glode will go to DEFCON 3 at
       the very least.
9.    Bin Laden will be targetted, probably with FAE or Cruise
       Missile? Certainly, he's toast, and probably knows it,
       which means he'll go into hiding in a big way. The US
       will go after him in such a massive way, that it'll make
       parts of World War two look like a picnic.
10. What sate are the Joint Chiefs in? Does anyone Know?
      Were they caught in the attack on the Pentagon? If so,
      it's likely to cause massive problems for the US Military.

We're looking at M.E. for real, folks, and it's fucking frightening.

Yours, damned worried at the way the world is now going,

Roger Stenning
Organiser, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
(PGP public key available on request)
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