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RE: My sympathies


Could you not intermix your responses within the original messages? Your
current method makes it nearly impossible to find your input, especially
when it's just a few words.


adam.johnson5@verizon.net (vze2wmka@verizon.net)
It is said that whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they first
make him mad. In fact, whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they
first hand the equivalent of a stick with a fizzing fuse and
Acme Dynamite Company written on the side. It's much more
interesting and it doesn't take as long.
	-- Terry Pratchett, "Soul Music"

-----Original Message-----
From: John Wilson [mailto:johnredhawk@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 12 September, 2001 14.47
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Re: My sympathies

----Original Message Follows----
I heard of these terrible attacks first by an SMS message to my mobile phone
and didn't know if it was true or not. Then my girl friend calls me and
tells the news and finally after two hours I have a chance to get to
internet for more information. I had a very surreal feeling, is this really
possible? Sadly it seems so.
Joni, you are not the only one......

I really hope that none of the list members or their loved ones suffered
from the attacks, if they did I just want to say that you have my sympathies
(for whatever good that does)...

Stay strong,

Joni Virolainen
My Fading Suns page: http://koti.welho.com/jvirolai/fs/fsindex.htm
My Cyberpunk 2020 page: http://koti.welho.com/jvirolai/cyber/

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