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Re: Doesn't someone have an M.E. resource on terrorist groups on the web?

Jeff -

> I have several very extensive lists, like the ones you
> are talking about, in the links at my site.

Thanks; I've already investigated them, to no avail on what I'm looking for.

> Happy hunting.  If you find anything else, please ping
> me at webmaster@millenniumsend.com so I can add them
> to the page :)

OK, I found the site I was trying to find, it's http://members.tripod.com/~fantasian/. Unfortunately, it contains
nothing of worth in my current search.

So, let's narrow this down a little.

I'm looking for information/profiles/analyses on eco-terror groups; primarily those with European/US ties/activities.
Groups noted do not neccessarily have to be real one; fictional groups are fine, provided that the information is of a
nature that can be used; example: Gaia's Fist from the Millennium's End Terror/Counter-Terror sourcebook.

Ideally, there will also be imagery on the groups' logos/tags/graffiti, Modus Operandi of a typical operation they
undertook, and so on.

Any pointes/addresses I can check out, anyone?

Best regards,

Roger Stenning
Organiser, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
(PGP public key available on request)
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