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Re: Erosion of Civil Liberties.

Ann started a debate with;
"Before they let us in, they searched my purse.  And all other packs,
purses, pocketbooks, fanny packs, etc."

Ben wrote:
" the searching of your bags is a SMALL inconvience, nothing more.  are you
hiding anything? no, then who ares...three minutes, and your done.  are your
three minutes worth lives??  i think so.  now, when they start to do random
house searches, i would be upset.  but going to a huge public place, sorry,
i have no problem with that.......your in the general populace...."

And where do we draw the line?  Changes in the wiretap provisions?  Gun
control?  Freedom of press?  In the course of defending the things we hold
dear, we are at risk for destroying them ourselves.

That is not to say that nothing should be done, but we do need to be very
careful not to make any rash, permanent changes.  Put temporary measures in,
evaulate them and develop effective solutions for the long term.

Very arguably, very few of the provisions that have been added would have
changed a damn thing.  A resourceful opponent still would have managed to
get an armed team onto the aircraft.  Immediately after they raised
security, teams were able to successfully get simulated weapons (pipe bombs,
knives, pistols) through security (www.canoe.ca, immediately after the

I think this discussion has the potential to go far outside the scope of
ME-L.  Roger Burton West - perhaps this one aught to be nipped in the bud
