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Andi -

> Thanx Roger I was also woundering if you had a brief
> description of the various downloads available as i
> want people to know where to get the London Source
> Book and others and I am not disrespectful enough to
> upload the files to my web page without your consent

Give us a few months on this; we're working on a new site look, involving a php backend. In any event, it's be, for the
most part, pdf downloads once we get it ramped up, with *possibly* an HTML side for the MELSB. More when it happens.

> oh and my knee still hurts damn german you shot me!!!

So don't hack off the German police, eh?

Andi's PC insults the Grman, who speaks good English...
Andy's PC -                    "AAAGH! MY BLOODY KNEE!"
German Police NPC -  "Sorry; ist der kleenink aksident, ja?
                                        Ach, for you, der voor ist offer, Ja?
                                        ... Klaus? Erreichen Sie mir einen
                                        Krankenwagen für diesen
                                        beleidigenden litleidioten, aber
                                        nicht zu schnell - lassen Sie ihn
                                        wenig erleiden!"


Best regards,

Roger Stenning
Organiser, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
(PGP public key available on request)
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