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RE: Biowarfare scenario idea

Here's a fun idea- your terrorist is infected w/ Ebola, boards a plane as it goes into its final stage, and has his final seizures/bleeding out while aboard the plane and exposes the entire flight, including the cell. Think it can't happen?  Read the first chapter of Richard Preston's The Hot Zone.  I had to come up with whole new words to explain the expanding horror I felt with each new paragraph. 
-----Original Message-----
From: CHam628781@aol.com [mailto:CHam628781@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:41 AM
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org
Subject: Biowarfare scenario idea

It occured to me that you could construct a pretty good scenario by bonding together the concepts of biowarfare and the terrorist whose prepared to commit suicide for the cause. Could there be a better weapon delivery platform than an innocuous, unarmed individual with some plane tickets and a list of places to go?

If you were really devious you'd send out a few people, some of whom the authorities were desperate to arrest. You could then virtually garuntee infecting high ranking intelligence, law enforcement and political personell.

Any thoughts?


"You can regale your companion if you wish with the story of the time you killed the Mexican with a short arm chin jab followed by a hand-edge chop to the Adam's apple, but this might distress her. Better stick to saying modestly at the right moment, 'I only know five ways of killing a man with a single blow."