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Re: Rangers on the Ground

MathesonT@aol.com wrote:
Most news sources are now reporting that 1-200 rangers are hitting multiple targets in the Kandahar region.  Operating off the carrier Kitty Hawk, using 160th SOAR MH-47 and MH-60s, we are talking about several hours flight time each way.  To keep the operations under darkness that means only a few hours on the ground.  Got to be "hit and get" operations in platoon or compay strength.  Most likely they are hitting targets that have been under observation by SO forces (about 40 from three-five countries are currently on the ground in the south).
I knew this one was coming. Heliborne troops follow the Spectres and Spookies accompanied by the Special Ops Choppers. They probably have one or both of the KC-10s from Saudi on line for In Flight Fuelling.

Here's a question for all you buffs out there... The British exercise in Oman included on platoon of Gurkhas... there are over 3400 Gurkhas in service with the Royal Army.... where do you think the other 3363 are?

If you want to go ME, there is certainly CIA work in the relatively Taliban-free southern region working with local tribes and doing HUMINT target appraisal.
Very good idea. Target & Objective Assessment would be a very good job for cells with ex-SpecFor members within.

Regardless of the ideas and all that, let's wish those lads luck. Afghanistan is a nasty bit of ground, no matter who has air supremacy.


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