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RE: Important dates for terrorism

--- Dom de Bechi <dddl21455@cableinet.co.uk> wrote:
> Try
> http://members.tripod.com/~fantasian/frames.html.
> There's some decent stuff there about terrorist
> organisations. Can't find
> any specific dates or a chronology though, and it
> hasn't been updated for a
> while.

I had a look, and I don't think that I can find
anything that I can't by going down to the local
coffeeshop or reading about terrorism  at the local
library. By the way, I suggest two books if you can
find them Guerrilla Strategies and Inside Terrorism.

It is just annoying if I can't pin a date on the
Peruvien Japanese Embassy Hostage, the Munich Massacre
the Iran Embassy Hostage, or even when the Oklahoma
City bombing was.

Lauri Gardner

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