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Re: Sierra Leone (was Adventure idea)

Actually, if you guys are going to be running a game
set in Sierra Leone, there is a cool opportunity to do
a crossover of my free-form game with this game.

I don't want to ruin any of the surprise for my
players, but we'll be in the area of Africa fairly
soon in "game time".  Actual time could be a week or
two (or three) as we play out our assault to take down
a suspect.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blackeagleblackeagle is
set up so anyone can read the backlog of posts.

Jeff Pawlowski
Millennium's End: Officially Unofficial

"I don't want to watch a movie about a guy that has trouble saying 'I love you' unless he's been shot in the face."  -- Ray, Everybody Loves Raymond.

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