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Re: The Mob squad.....

millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org wrote:
> Hey i'm looking for stuff on the world, around 
> the year of 1965 - 1970, 

Well of course you have all kinds of potential fallout 
from the conspiracy theorists' mother lode: the JFK 
assassination.  Also, you're fast approaching the 
touchstone for all covert-government-gone-amok nonsense, 
Watergate.  Lots of potential scenarios in the mix 
there.   Also I believe the Quebec separatists were 
just getting organized at this time.  (Don't berate 
me too much if I'm wrong on that one.)

If it's a more military slant that you want, well outside
of Indochina there's the '67 mideast war and I believe 
there was still a good deal of mercenary work going on 
in Africa at that point.  (reference: Warren Zevon's 
"Roland the Thompson Gunner" song).

I would imagine the book "The Dogs of War" could be 
interesting to you, as well as Ian Fleming's *books*,
which are quite different from the utterly over-the-top 
James Bond movies.

'course, I was five years old at the time, so don't
take my word for any of this.

 (still shaking his head at the thought of a 
  kevlar-less ME game.  Oh the humanity.  Hehe.)