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Re: Rail guns (was: US SOCOM desires...)

It was my understanding that they are not going to be drastically increasing the velocity of the round with "Magnetic Propellant", but in fact just increase the ammunition capacity whilst reducing the "obvious" signature of the weapon (Muzzle Flash and Weapon Report) . The extra damage will be done by the development of new projectiles.

Regarding the accuracy of weapons, as we become more familiar with ballistic characteristics we can therefore make the weapons more accurate. We don't need a new propellant technology to do this, as is evidenced by the .408 CheyTac "Intervention Rifle" and its being expected to be able to engage a human sized target at 1500-1600m when its development cycle is complete.

I have a theory that we will be relying on the good old basic bullet (propelled by various means at various velocities and sizes) for quite some time. If I am not mistaken, even Particle Accelerator Weapons fire "bullets", just amazingly small (atomic) and amazingly fast (near relativistic V) at an incredible rate of fire.

I saw a photo of what a concept Particle Weapon had supposedly done to something like five sheets of 2 mm steel. It literally tore a hole through all five sheets in dT~ 0.0001s. Mind you I expect the weapon was "empty" after that, and I have no idea what the conditions of the test were, or the size of the weapon, but as usual we will most likely find a way to make it at least vehicle portable before our grandchildren are dead... if not sooner. I am no expert on theoretical weapons, I just saw what I saw and with my limited knowledge of physics and chemistry hypothesized (give me a break it has been 15 years since I last used it for anything serious). And no, I do not have a copy of the report, it was just a blurb under a photo about the wonderfulness of Colorado for high technology jobs.... I think National Geographic ran a similar photo...


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