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Re: Rail guns (was: US SOCOM desires...)

> How can having only semi-auto and three-round burst
> available on your weapon
> be a good thing?

To a lesser extent, it's because on full auto, often
all those shots after the first 3-4 are going to be
way off anyway...it 'disciplines' the firer into
firing controlled bursts.

Mainly though, it's because every round that you blaze
away with has to be moved from a factory all the way
into your webbing...sometimes a total distance of
10,000+ miles, and running out is bad. If the firer is
blazing away with poorly controlled bursts, he is
placing a lot of logistical strain on the system and
decreasing the warfighting capability and
sustainability of his force.

 It would seem to me that when a
> soldier needs full-auto
> fire, he (she) REALLY NEEDS full-auto fire! 

Generally not.... not at over 25m anyhow. It's good in
FIBUA, bunker assaults and ambush in close terrain,
but that's about it. In the hands of a skilled
soldier, it's a useful ability. In the hands of the
poorly trained and disciplined, you miss a lot more
and waste too much ammo.

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