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Re: RE: European Military Not Up To Par?


> ...And yet here in
> America we have a over a thousand different types of
> cat food, and hundreds
> of brands of toilet paper. I suspect that we throw
> away more food in this
> country than anywhere else in the world.

Cat-food economics...I like it. Although I do have to
disagree. I've travelled, spoke to and worked with a
lot of people from around the world and I can put my
hand firmly on my heart and say that the fact that US
is a country of 'haves' is not the reason why so many
nations dislike them. There's no 'pot/kettle' at work
or flaming going on here - it's me saying what I've
found out about the world. As a heavy traveller, I
feel that I have the first-hand experience to back up
that opinion.
[I have no issue with Americans at all; and indeed, I
have worked in predominantly US enviroments for most
of my career!]
I travel under a UK passport, and given an open
choice, would prefer to do so over any other (except
maybe Swiss...but probably not), as I have seen time
and time again that it affords me more polite
treatment than any other passport carried by

[Doesn't the US produce 50% of world polution, or some
frightening amount? Or is it household waste?]

..sounds suspiciously
> similar to another phrase I
> remember from my youth:

*Nod*. I always just ignored it, too as it was often
supported with the 'you'd speak German if it wasn't
for us' routine. =)


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