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Re: European Military Not Up To Par?

> The only thing I heard is, that the average American
> citizen produces
> three times as much refuse as the average European
> citizen, as an
> American scientist found out.
> Unfortunately, I cannot give a reference :-(

Frightening. Wonder where Japan stands among this? I
just cannot imagine how I would produce 'more'
waste... I'm pretty slovenly when it comes to
recycling, I guess. It must be said though that poorer
countries aren't so worried (at all) about air
pollution, old engine oil disposal etc. and laws
controlling it.

There was an interview on BBC R2 the other day with a
woman who was talking about 'clearing out' and she
places the 'blame' on us hoarding stuff [her point was
that it was a bad thing! Go figure!] and not throwing
more away on WW2, when Europeans quite happily 'made
do'. The cited example was a wealthy woman who still
boils down the little bits of soap to make new bars,
rather than throw them out. I'm no enviromentalist
[but I am a hoarder, I guess], but to me it seems
silly to claim how 'bad' it is to not be a


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