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Re: New toys!

----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Stenning (G1LIW) <g1liw@lineone.net>
To: <millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:52 PM
Subject: New toys!

> Hi, folks!
> Uncloaking for a moment or three, here's a new toy that Garmin are messing
> with (Real world note: note that in the US, the FCC have yet to approve
> and in the UK, it won't get DTI/RA approval, due to the specifications of
> PMR446)...
> http://www.garmin.com/products/rino/index.html
> Now imagine the possibilities for BE/BE operatives on field missions, if
> take this idea, and move it forward a few years to more powerful radio
> equipment...!

Ooh... looks nice :-) First question: does it actually work? Second
question: how hard is it for the enemy to tap into and also get a fix on

Lee Williams
ICQ 25628876
Associate Editor - DEMONGROUND: Reflections of a Darker Future