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Re: So why Millennium's End?

At 01:15 AM 4/4/02 +0930, you wrote:
>Like many people, it was the realism. I've been playing CP2020 for about 
>ten years now, and whilst its fun for a quick bash, the unreality of the 
>game, especially combat, can get boring after a while. With all the armour 
>and whatnot, being able to face fully automatic fire gets a bit boring. 
>Tats why I was glad when I found ME. Actually having to plan an action, 
>and taking proper defensive manouveres, it was great. Unfortunately, 
>whilst I have all the books and some ideas, I was never able to find 
>people willing to play. Oh well.
>I must say, that I do enjoy this list and I hope that we don't lose too 
>many more people.

Well said.
