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Re: Cybergames plans for ME.....

 --- Jeff Pawlowski <blackeagleblackeagle@yahoo.com> wrote: > 1. If ME
is not going to make any money and they don't have anyone
> working on
> it, why doesn't HG put it out there for free?  Keeping it under lock
> and key is
> only killing any potential future profits.  I'd kick out the basic
> rulebook, at
> VERY least, for free distribution, if Charles Ryan agrees to it. 
> Ideally, all
> the material should be available just to put the game on
> life-support.  HG will
> at least have a small market to help push the game when
> new/profitable material
> is produced.

the problem is that they aren't looking to produce *any* new material,
and if the main system is put out, either they advertise for new
material or people to write it (such as ourselves) or they go after
anyone writing something which could violate their copyright, so it's
an either or here, either they commit to producing more, which costs,
and doesn't have a definable profit margin, or they put it out PD and
they charge for the main sourcebooks, but where does that leave anyone
who *does* want to write a sourcebook, like me who has 2 or 3 on the


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