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Re: Cybergames plans for ME.....

On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 08:17:14PM +0100, Dom de Bechi wrote:
>..... but they still want to protect the rights on the game from anyone else
>making money on it. As a consumer, that sucks.

True but irrelevant. The corporation is set up to make money; that is
its principal goal. Publishing the ME material costs money; hanging on
to it doesn't. Therefore, the company should hold on to the material
until such time as (a) it expects to see a profit from publishing it or
(b) someone comes along with an offer of more than it thinks it could

Yes, this is not particularly great for us, but that's what the
corporation _ought_ to do. Arguing that a corporation isn't an ideal
structure for serving the interests of consumers, or that rights ought
perhaps to revert the the creator of the work if they go unused, are
common suggestions but I suspect off-topic for this list.

See http://old.law.columbia.edu/my_pubs/anarchism.html for more thoughts
on this matter.


Roger Burton West - roger@firedrake.org - gamer since 1984
74. As soon as you are served hot chow in the field, it rains.