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Cybergames plans for ME.....

ok, this is the final post in a thread on their company questions
bulletin board section, from Steve Long, in response to a query about
where the hell they are taking it....


That much I can answer.
There is no new material in the works. We are not looking for any

I'm sorry if people on the ME list (which I'm a member of myself) are
irritated. That's certainly not our intention, but I only have so much
time in a day, and right now all of that time is devoted to the game
that actually makes my company money. ME, even if we started putting
out a whole slew of new books, will not make my company any money -- or
if it did, far, far less than a comparative HERO System product. ME's a
dandy game, but it doesn't have a viable commercial base.

When we have something concrete and useful to announce, believe me
we'll announce it. Until then, all I can say is we're working on things
as time and resources allow.

Steve Long
HERO System Line Developer 


so there you have it, a dead (although Dandy) game with pretty much no
future which isn't going to make any money.

thoughts ?


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