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Re: Showtime weapons

Not yet but am about to begin work on the background for one. All the
equipment for the PC's is there just need to figure out bad guys equipment
and some background for them. Only problem that I can see is excessive
character deaths when the bad guts start shooting back.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Kreuzinger <kreuz@pris.bc.ca>
To: millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org <millenniums-end-l@firedrake.org>
Date: 06 April 2002 04:11
Subject: Showtime weapons

>Ah, hi
>I am a big time lurker on this list, and thought I remember someone asking
>about the weapons from Showtime?  I haven't seen that movie yet, but I
>this link.
>Thought it may be of some use.
>On a more selfish note, one of my players was wondering how ME would work
>run a Stargate SG-1 type game?  And if anyone has run such a game?
>Brian K
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