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Re: GenCon *UK* Attendees ?

> anyone
> going to GCUK in
> >August/September this year ?

Prolly. If so, I'll probably bit the bullet and stay
at the Hilton, so I can get ratted and don't have to
walk far.

> 55. You aren't Superman. (Freshly graduated recruits
> from Marine boot camp,
>     and all fighter pilots, especially, take note)

Ah, reminds me of a fresh-trained RM who was a friend
of a friend and turned up at a BBQ and tried to be
clever by drinking 3/4 of a bottle of vodka in one to
impress two young girls. Experienced vodka drinkers
winced and we dumped him unconcious in his puddle of
vomit in the garden until the ambulance arrived.


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